Thanh Nguyen Archives
Pressemelding Oslo, 18. september 2024 Det norske teknologiselskapet Orbify.AI fortsetter sin sterke vekst med ytterligere oppkjøp og inkluderer Penetrace i sin kunstig intelligens-plattform. Henning Tunsli, grunnlegger av Penetrace og daglig leder i Orbify.AI, Axel Tenvik. Foto: Eivor Eriksen. Orbify.AI AS kjøper Penetrace AS fra Verdane og fortsetter sin vekststrategi mot å bli en ledende plattform…
Read MoreSaken ble opprinnelig publisert på Sandefjords Blad – av Magnus Lutnæs Aas, 12. januar 2024. SATSER STORT: Daglig leder Axel I. Tenvik og mottok nylig nesten fire millioner kroner i tilskudd fra Innovasjon Norge. Selskapet som ble stiftet i 2021 satser mot en omsetning på 500 millioner kroner i 2025. Foto: AS…
Read MoreOrbify.AI completes its third acquisition in less than a year, as Manag-E Nordic ASbecomes part of the Orbify group. The companies have signed a binding anddefinitive purchase agreement, which will be finalized a little later this autumn.Orbify.AI has extensive experience in scaling companies, and through theacquisition, Orbify.AI will assist Manag-E with further growth both in…
Read MoreOrbify.AI has completed the acquisition of Strategy Orchestrator AS and InXight AS for an undisclosed amount, in a combination of cash and shares. About the acquisitions: Strategy Orchestrator helps large national and international customers execute change management processes efficiently. InXight offers customers a SMART Innovation Management System, in addition to providing an AI powered contact…
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